@NewYork44M I remember the security code for the Kingdom Hall alarm being "4191" (1914 backwards) for my hall when I was a little girl and my elder daddy having to open up early one morning. You're damn right that the whole thing is backwards.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
JoinedPosts by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
2017 Annual Meeting
by obarac inon saturday, october 7.. any chance to get user name and password for stream?.
1st it was happy at bethel now it also appears in the KH
by joe134cd inhttps://youtu.be/lfddxzipzga.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
You can't even walk down the aisle to Pachelbel's mesmeric (and polite) Canon in D, but you can bust a move on the platform like this?
What exactly is grieving gods Holy Spirit?
by Chook ini had an elder tell me once i was grieving holy spirit but i’m not sure how this dickhead knew..
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Oh, that's easy. Maybe he went through your trash and found some leftover garlic bread covered in poison. I'd get a restraining order, @Chook.
Jehovahs witnesses that believe its "The Truth" vs JW's who know it isn't
by Christian Gutierrez inhey guys!
what do you think is the percentage of jw's believe that it is the truth and the percentage of those who think it might be some false or all false??
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@Unstuck and @Island Man Throw in a giant foam finger and you'd think these guys were off to the NFL finals:
Disfellowshipped in Absentia
by HereIgo ini have heard of this happening before, but how often?
its pretty rare it seems.
i have often wondered if the elders would go this route with me since they knew i was actively sinning, but as far as i know, no jc was ever formed.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@Chook Don't they already know where you live from some of the visits they've paid you this this year?
by Disassociated Lady 2 ini read this in the july 2017 study version of the watchtower.. ".
propaganda—how dangerous is it?.
what is propaganda?
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@zeb Then they're an apostate to be avoided like a corpse carrying a host of diseases. Clever way of quarantining those still in from the facts, isn't it?
By what authority does the Watchtower declare itself biblical interpreter?
by TTWSYF inwe're god's reliable mouthpiece, but not prophet?
jesus inspected all faiths in 1914?.
does everyone agree or is it more convoluted than that?.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@BluesBrother "If we pray for his spirit and work in harmony with our prayer..."
That is so neat. Last night I prayed to become a doctor, and today I carefully administered some Panadol to my kid. This prayer stuff is really working. Who needs an Ivy League education when you can listen to the voices in your head telling you that you have God's blessing?
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a bunch of books to write instructing everyone how they MUST live their lives from a medically-sound perspective.
New, but needed to vent- thank you :-)
by Danni Jackson ini discovered your website this morning as i was trying to find some information about 'marking'.
you see a very close friend of mine was 'marked' earlier this week and as i know the ins and outs of the situation (as we are close friends) i disregarded the talk immediately as i know my friend is obviously having issues but is no way a 'danger' to anybody else's spiritual health.
basically they are dating a non-believer- hence the talk.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@Danni Jackson, hey sweetie. I'm a single mother too and have faced the ugly, cold, indifference of the elders and the organization as a whole. It's a source of great anxiety when you begin to wake up and realize what a tangled web we've gotten ourselves into. Backing out of the Watchtower is no easy feat, and often the repercussions on our network of friends AND family are devastating. It takes someone with true integrity, an inner sense of justice and above all, HUMANITY, to actually entertain the thought that all is not right with the organization. I can see you have these qualities. These are the traits Jesus demonstrated for humankind. The Watchtower is a far cry from the essence of true Christianity, but I think you've already figured that out now. Chin up. We're in this together.
By what authority does the Watchtower declare itself biblical interpreter?
by TTWSYF inwe're god's reliable mouthpiece, but not prophet?
jesus inspected all faiths in 1914?.
does everyone agree or is it more convoluted than that?.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@TTWSYF The May 1, 1997 Watchtower answers your question on where the "authority" comes from:
"Jehovah God is the Grand Identifier of his true messengers.He identifies them by making the messages he delivers come true. Jehovah is also the Great Exposer of false messengers. How does he expose them? He frustrates their signs and predictions. In this way he shows that they are SELF-APPOINTED PROGNOSTICATORS, whose messages really spring from their OWN FALSE REASONING - yes, their FOOLISH, FLESHLY THINKING!"
Thank you for clearing that up for us, WT.
Protect Your Family??
by Tech49 inhere is an article in the current study copy of the wt.
tell me your thoughts and i will tell you mine.!
this is a topic that i am very sensitive about, as i could never see not protecting my family, even if that meant using whatever means at hand to do so!
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
You know, the Bible is enough of a weapon on its own ;). Comedian, Anthony Jesselnik proved this with an amazing story about his uncle. He said, this man has always carried a copy of the Bible specifically in his breast pocket for as long his he could remember. And Anthony would always tease the uncle for it. One day, his uncle got caught in the crossfire of an armed robbery when a bullet struck the God-fearing man in the chest. "And MIRACULOUSLY, my uncle... had something to read while he bled to death."